Curation! What is it Good For?

Absolutely Something

Roz Warren, Writing Coach


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Like many writers on this platform, I’d been chasing the Holy Grail of Medium Curation without any clear idea of what, if anything, being touched by that ole Curator Magic actually meant, besides a gratifying Ego Boost (and bragging rights on the Medium Mastery Facebook page.)

Did a Curated story make more money? Attract more readers? Bring more fans? Who knew?

Some of my stories had been curated. Some had not. Because there was no way to know how a curated story would have done had it not been curated (or vice versa) Curation’s impact remained a mystery.

Then I happened upon an ideal test case. Two of my humor pieces were published on the same day. Both (at least in my opinion) were equally funny. And both appeared in magazines. The only real difference between the two?

One, Medium — the Musical! was curated.

The other — Welcome to your Local Public Library! Please take Your Dildos With You When You Leave — was not.



Roz Warren, Writing Coach

Writing Coach Roz Warren ( helps Medium writers craft better, more boost-able stories. Roz used to write for the New York Times.