If You Are What You Eat, Then I Am a Cheerio

Sure I’m Addicted. So What?

Roz Warren, Writing Coach


Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash

I know what I’m having for breakfast tomorrow. Exactly what I had for breakfast today.

When my baby teeth first grew in, Mom began feeding me Cheerios, and I’ve breakfasted upon them daily ever since. In my 65 years of life, I’ve gobbled billions.

“CheeriOats,” the first ready-to-eat oat cereal, was invented by General Mills in 1941. The name was changed to “Cheerios” in 1945. By 1951, it was the company’s top-selling cold cereal.

All I can say is, Thank God I was born in the 1950s and not in some earlier decade when my favorite cereal wasn’t yet available.

Nowadays, there is a staggering variety of Cheerios on the market. Multigrain. Fruity Cheerios. Banana Nut. Even Chocolate Cheerios! Although I believe in my heart that the Chocolate Cheerio is an abomination, the company can bring out Tofu Cheerios, or Bubble Gum Cheerios, or even Nacho Cheese Cheerios, for all I care.

As long as they don’t stop making the original.

Sure, I’m addicted. So what? If you binge on Cheerios, you won’t wreck your marriage or lose your job. Eat an entire box and you won’t get sick or pass out. You won’t even get fat.



Roz Warren, Writing Coach

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren (roSwarren@gmail.com) will help you improve and publish your work.