It probably doesn't make sense because most Medium pubs wouldn't want to run a story that had already run in another Medium pub.
And even if a Medium publication republished them now they wouldn't show up on its homepage as new stories but instead would be positioned on the site as if they'd been published on that site on the day that you originally published them. Unless the new pub decided to feature them or pin them to their front page. Which is unlikely.
You do have the option to delete them, then update the content and republish them so that at least they'd show up as new stories. But you have to make significant and not just superficial changes for that to work.
If I were you, I'd just edit them to include a notice at the top or bottom of the piece indicating that the story was first published in Literally Literary, and then focus on creating new content rather than trying to keep your old content alive by submitting it to new Medium publications.
Of course, you do have the option of submitting that content to publications outside of Medium that run previously published work.