Member-only story
My Top Three Medium Stories
As Determined by my Readers
I’ve been on Medium since February 2019 and I’ve published 600 stories. My average story takes three minutes to read and makes nine dollars, although from time to time one of them takes off and brings in more.
I recently decided to see what my three most popular Medium stories were. The metric I used? How much I got paid.
Which means? Stories like this one don’t count:
Introducing Librarian Barbie has been read 41,000 times — but almost none of those readers were paying Medium members, so those 41,000 reads have earned me just $15.
Because? Medium.
But never mind that. Here (cue drum roll and crash of cymbals) are my top three all time Medium earners:
How I Found Out About the Affair
My most lucrative story was published in June 2020 in the now (alas) defunct P S I Love You. It has earned $1,096. Even though I posted it over a year ago, people continue to read it. Why? It’s a juicy story about heartbreak. Who…