Sex On a Plane?

No Thanks. I’ve Got Important Knitting to Do

Roz Warren, Writing Coach


Photo by Allyson Souza on Unsplash

I fly a lot. There’s nothing sexy about it.

And yet, according to one survey, 9% of Americans claim to have had a sexual encounter in an airplane seat, 17% in the airplane bathroom, 5% with a stranger on an airplane, and 3% with a crew member.

That implies that when I get on a plane, at least one of my fellow flyers will soon be making in-flight whoopie.

Who are these people?

Are there folks so randy that they can’t just take a break from sex long enough to fly to Seattle?

Is there something about zipping through the sky in a too-small seat in a big metal tube for hours and hours with a bunch of strangers that’s a turn-on?

Are some flyers taking the news that we’ve reached cruising altitude a bit too literally?

I get it — air travel gets boring. But that’s why there are complimentary beverages, and little bags of peanuts, and superhero movies to watch.

Also — who would want to get it on in that tiny little bathroom?

I have never once closed the airplane bathroom door behind me, surveyed the toilet and sink and thought “Wow. Sexy! This room is made for hot hot love.”



Roz Warren, Writing Coach

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