Thank You for Not Hugging Me — Now or Ever

I Was Into No Contact Before It Was Cool

Roz Warren, Writing Coach


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

When director Mike Nichols came to this country from Germany at the age of five, he was able to say just two things in English: “I don’t speak English,” and “Please don’t kiss me.”

I can so relate to this.

I have never enjoyed being kissed or hugged. I’m not wild about hand holding either.

It’s not that I’m afraid of germs. Nor is this the result of any childhood trauma.

There’s just always been something deeply off-putting to me about being grabbed and smooshed against another person’s body, or having to hold their clammy hand.

I never got the appeal.

“But everybody loves a hug!” you protest. “Hugging is good for you. It expresses comfort and love. It makes you happy! It reduces your blood pressure and boosts your endorphins!”

There’s even a yearly National Hug day on which the act of embracing people is celebrated. Nope. Not for me. I’m just not feeling it.

And when it comes to hand shaking? People think I’m weird if I don’t offer them my hand when we meet, and rude if I don’t immediately grab theirs when they extend it.



Roz Warren, Writing Coach

Writing Coach Roz Warren ( helps Medium writers craft better, more boost-able stories. Roz used to write for the New York Times.