The Off Medium Gifts of Medium Reading

Some of your favorite Medium Writers’ best content isn’t on this platform

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
3 min readMay 29, 2021


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

I’ve been on Medium for over two years and I love this place. Medium lets me write whatever I want to write — and get paid for it! It’s allowed me to become part of a great community of writers. Every day, it brings me more terrific writing.

And there’s another added benefit of all of the reading I do on Medium.

Cool Offsite Stuff

A lot of Medium writers are doing some very cool things — books and blogs and websites and videos — off the platform. I’ll start to follow a writer. I’ll read all their posts. Over time, I’ll become aware of the fact that they’re up to something interesting off the platform. So I’ll check it out.

I’ve found some real treasure by following my favorite Medium writers into the off-Medium world.

For instance?

Perfectly Imperfect

After months of enjoying ’s Medium posts, I listened to — and quickly became a fan of — his podcast, Perfectly Imperfect: A podcast on Mental Health for Folx of Color.

I am not a folk of color. I’m a straight white Boomer. So? Not exactly Johnzelle’s…



Roz Warren, Writing Coach

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren ( will help you improve and publish your work.